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Uwe Zeller

Uwe Zeller (German: Uwe Seeler), born (November 5, 1936) in Hamburg, Germany, footballer German former international, he played center striker in West Germany for the football and is one of the leaders of the five patriots in the history of German football as well as Fritz Valter and Lothar Matthews and Bettina and Franz Beckenbauer and Iegman.

Zeller began his career in 1944 with the Hamburg club, has played with them until the year 1978, has scored 134 goals in Alboudnljuga of 269 games, has scored 21 goals in 29 games, European, and in the last season played with the Cork club Celtic.

And may play Zeller with West Germany for the football 72 games and international record 43 international goal, participated in the World Cups in which it played Pele, has played in the World Cup Soccer 1958 and FIFA World Cup 1962 and World Cup Soccer 1966 and FIFA World Cup 1970 .


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