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Pavel Nedved

Pavel Nedved (August 30, 1972 m) of the Czech football player, best known for Juventus in the Italian and retired in 2009. Senior Games is the maker and one of the most prominent players who are born to Czech football

Is the quality of players who find it difficult to talk about them and express their abilities, and all the assets of cheating .. And branches as of letters and words and phrases and lines and improvers Bdieih to try to count talents and abilities .. It is said .. Silence on the campus of beauty is the beauty .... Player from the time of giants and one spherical names referred to Mendez, the name is over the stage starred .. Millions of light-years, and reached to the stage with legendary game's biggest stars, has become a milestone know .. By his country the Czech Republic, when it is said is said Pavel Nedved Czech Republic .. Most players of the highest degrees of talents and a perfect sphere, religion and mental strength is enormous, high-contrast skills .. Mentality of the East European, passes to set whether or Binet intercontinental Dynamo unrelenting in midfield as if he owned more than the lungs, playmaker at the highest level, of the few who know how to play .. With both their feet with the utmost perfection, the hardest shots terrorizes the guards, the player a tactical first-rate, speed .. Enough to make a difference .. What is left! Morally is in the top of humility, Valbergm of what came to him from the star up to the stage .. Legendary career, he sees himself as just a player to Mojtahd outweighing much of the mythology as a spherical Ronaldo .. And Figo, Ronaldinho, Henry, Zidane, and others .. Ran the ball back to him and denied him achieve the most expensive personal security embodied in the Champions League .. But it has opened its doors on the other, and gave him a prize was not dreamed of one day achieving an award, but .. Koura Golden Eurovision, the largest and most expensive and the most important awards spherical .. A symbol of solemnity and perseverance in the world of magical tables, but does not know where complacency to his heart, under .. Any circumstances ..


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