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Arthur Wayne

Arthur Wayne (1862 - 1945) is a British-born journalist. Born in Liverpool in Britain and was working in his home country, Britain, editor and designer of puzzles, and remained so even after his departure to the United States of America. In the United States resided in the state of New Jersey. Arthur, best known for his invention of the crossword puzzle.

The story of crossword puzzles with Arthur when he was working for the New York World (in English: New York World), where the newspaper asked him to invent a new puzzle to entertain the readers of the newspaper. The era of Arthur in his mind thinking and returned memory to the days of childhood when he was playing the game using the characters, including the crossword puzzle quote.

This puzzle has been issued for the first time on 12 December 1913.

At the beginning of its inception was a crossword puzzle a certain, did not contain black boxes. Later became a puzzle and some square boxes shaded in black.


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